Copywriting 101
There’s a silent killer lurking in your marketing strategy. It’s costing you thousands in ad spend and countless missed opportunities. I’ll give you a hint: it’s not your product, your market, or even your ads themselves. Let me explain: I was chatting with someone last week who was investing $7,000.00 a month into advertising. That’s […]
Read MoreHave you noticed the long scrolling sales letter has become less prevalent over recent years? Long copy is dead, right? People just don’t have the attention span they did years ago. They don’t consume enough content. Ha… yeah, right. I had this conversation the other day with a new content marketing client. He said he preferred […]
Read MoreI made a couple of sales this week as a result of a sales letters I wrote about 6 months ago. The system we put in place, took a long time to set up. It was for a specific niche, and felt like nothing was happening for quite awhile. But we had to set up the […]
Read MoreIn the early days of entrepreneurship, I became familiar with a concept called “Operation Moneysuck.” I believe I learned this from either John Carlton or Gary Halbert – two brilliant copywriters. And while yes, it made sense, I approached it the wrong way. I took this to mean was that I should focus on whatever I […]
Read MoreWhat makes bland writing stand out from soulless writing? It’s the ability to go out on a limb, and speak from your heart. For instance, I am writing a core story for an incredibly successful entrepreneur who is looking to go into the coaching space. He’s a smart guy. And his accomplishments are huge. Now that’s […]
Read MoreRichard Feynaman, a theoretical physicist, once stated: “We are trying to prove ourselves wrong as quickly as possible, because only in that way we can find progress.” If only science worked that way across the board, right? The world would be a different place today. Instead, much of it has been taken over by corporate interests, […]
Read MoreI’ve been doing a lot of ‘learning how to learn’ recently. And there’s this thing called mnemonics which all the memory champions use. Now the definition of mnemonics, according to the dictionary is: the study and development of systems for improving and assisting the memory. There are different ways it can be used – everything from […]
Read MoreA couple of years ago, I bought a computer from a big box chain. It’s had a few glitches, so I took it to get serviced last weekend… as a part of a plan I had purchased. Anyway, while I was there I needed a couple of sets of earphones for my iPhone (I have […]
Read MoreThere are unseen marketing angles in almost any industry, if we’re willing to think deeply enough and think outside the box. For instance, over Xmas we got our windows cleaned. They looked great. But… In late January, we got spiders in the house, and called in a pest control company. The pest control company sprayed […]
Read MoreObedience to popular opinion is safe, but it gets you nowhere. Think about it. Was Apple obedient to industry norms? How about Amazon? Or Virgin? Not at all. Regardless of some of the question marks around the backgrounds & integrity of some of these founders… One thing can’t be denied: They broke the mould. They zigged when […]
Read MoreYou’ve heard about the 10,000 hour rule… And that to be an expert at anything, you need to put in the hours. But is it actually accurate? That would mean every accountant who had been doing their job for a decade or more, would be a “master.” It’s not the reality. So what’s the difference that […]
Read MoreI’m in touch with a number of knowledgeable people in the investment space… And what’s interesting is, they all have different views of what’s coming next. Take bitcoin for instance. One person I know is big on the bitcoin halving and thinks that’s going to be huge… Another expert is bearish on bitcoin… So what […]
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